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The Beloved Country

hier is ons werklik vry.mp3
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 1 0f 8.jpeg
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 2 0f 8.jpeg
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 3 0f 8.jpeg
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 4 0f 8.jpeg
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 5 0f 8.jpeg
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 6 0f 8.jpeg
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 7 0f 8.jpeg
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 8 0f 8.jpeg
a south african home.mp4
when the herd came down.mp4
township feet 1 of 2.jpeg
township feet 2 of 2.jpeg
weeping willows 1 of 7.jpeg
weeping willows 2 of 7.jpeg
weeping willows 3 of 7.jpeg
weeping willows 4 of 7.jpeg
weeping willows 5 of 7.jpeg
weeping willows 6 of 7.jpeg
weeping willows 7 of 7.jpeg
dans die riel.mp3
nyebho's dark night.mp4
01 view from a homestead in the Kwazulu-Natal Midlands.JPG
04 the untrammeled creep.JPG
05 the outside tap.JPG
07 the dog bowl.JPG
09 the trelidoor.JPG
10 the rubber tyre door mat.JPG
11 the scrubbing broom.JPG
12 the hosepipe.JPG
14 the Owl House momento.JPG
16 skeletal ornament.JPG
18 clay and mud.JPG
19 stained concrete.JPG
20 stone wall.JPG
24 step on me.JPG
26 the overgrowth.JPG
28 nuts and bolts.JPG
29 the crooked lines of plumbing.JPG
Hier is daar 'n gat
bright red blood 1 of 7.jpeg
bright red blood 2 of 7.jpeg
bright red blood 3 of 7.jpeg
bright red blood 4 of 7.jpeg
bright red blood 5 of 7.jpeg
bright red blood 6 of 7.jpeg
bright red blood 7 of 7.jpeg
to the man in the mall 1 of 3.jpeg
to the man in the mall 2 of 3.jpeg
to the man in the mall 3 of 3.jpeg
koker spirit.mp4
01 an oak leave from the so called Eikestad (oak town).JPG
04 road running along the Eersterivier (first river) looking towards Simonsberg.JPG
06 Eersterivier stones.JPG
07 the Kweekskool (theological seminary).JPG
08 details from Kweekskool fence.JPG
09 door to the room my father lived in as a student.JPG
15 a view on the Jonkershoek mountains from a mini nature reserve inside of Stellenbosch.JPG
16 a town of books, of the smell of old books.JPG
17 full glory oak.JPG
19 the female hostel of Harmonie where my mother resided in the early 60's.JPG
23 the Ou Hoofgebou (old main building) where i went for classes in classical Greek and Hebrew.JPG
24 typical Cape Dutch homestead from the 18th century.JPG
25 homestead detail.JPG
26 Stellenbosch is also home to various buildings in Victorian style.JPG
28 historical building of which the famous Dorp Street is full of.JPG
30 Stellenbosch mountain with all its freely accessible hiking and biking and jogging and horse ridi
31 the glorious Simonsberg as viewed across part of Stellenbosch from the Stellenbosch mountain side
32 typical imported pine tree found in the Cape only, here along a Stellenbosch mountain path.JPG
roadside rest.mp4
toyi- toyi 1 of 6.jpeg
toyi- toyi 2 of 6.jpeg
toyi- toyi 3 of 6.jpeg
toyi- toyi 4 of 6.jpeg
toyi- toyi 5 of 6.jpeg
toyi- toyi 6 of 6.jpeg
on the farm.mp4
Mandela died 1 of 3.jpeg
Mandela died 2 of 3.jpeg
Mandela died 3 of 3.jpeg
Beautiful Land in Grahamstown Cathedral.mp4
SITRAP 200212 Pretoria and the magic milk of land 6 0f 8.jpeg