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a little crazy moment during an improv recital with Joe van der Linden.JPG
action painting by Tali Farchi-v.d Wouden, Zwolle, NL (1).JPG
action painting by Tali Farchi-v.d Wouden, Zwolle, NL (2).JPG
action painting by Tali Farchi-v.d Wouden, Zwolle, NL (3).JPG
cello trio improvisation with Joey Chang and another, Berkeley, CA.JPG
classical recital with erstwhile partner and collaborator, Lara Kirsten.JPG
expressive moment with veteran dancer Tossie van Tonder in a raw improv piece.JPG
Geert Oldenbeuving gets going in Hoogeveen, NL.JPG
Geert Oldenbeuving in action on the HA!Man's music.JPG
improvising with jazz maestro, Paul  Hanmer.JPG
improvising with the action painting of Liz Crossley, Berlin (1).JPG
improvising with the action painting of Liz Crossley, Berlin (2).JPG
in a classical recital with pianist Rexleigh Bunyard, Sondton Theatre, Johannesburg.JPG
in an immersive dome, with difital visuals by Audri Phillips in Relentless Universe, LA (1).JPG
in an immersive dome, with difital visuals by Audri Phillips in Relentless Universe, LA (2).JPG
in an immersive dome, with difital visuals by Audri Phillips in Relentless Universe, LA (3).JPG
in an immersive dome, with difital visuals by Audri Phillips in Relentless Universe, LA (4).JPG
in an immersive dome, with difital visuals by Audri Phillips in Relentless Universe, LA (5).JPG
in an immersive dome, with difital visuals by Audri Phillips in Relentless Universe, LA (6).JPG
in performance with erstwhile partner and collaborator, Lara Kirsten (the Edge, Hogsback).JPG
long time improvisation collaborator Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby, Durban (1).JPG
long time improvisation collaborator Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby, Durban (2).JPG
on a South African tour with Gert Anklam (Berlin) and Andy Fierens (Antwerp).JPG
on tour in South Africa with Belgian poet and friend, Andy Fierens.JPG
one of the annual Antwerp poetry bashes at the Arenberg Theatre.JPG
raw improv with long time collaborator Joe van der Linden, Port Elizabeth.JPG
roughing it up with Rayelle Goodman and an unknown drummer, Cape Town.JPG
story teller Oom Schalk Burger, when he was 99 years old, with whon i performed a year before.JPG
street act at the Grahamstown Festival SHOW ME THE MONEY, with Nyebho Swartbooi.JPG
stretching the boundaries of sound with Greg O'Drobinak and Peter Bartels in Chicago.JPG
theatre improvisational piece The Lure of Oranges, the Box Theatre, Grahamstown.JPG
With Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby at Splashy Fen Festival.JPG
with Geert Oldenbeuving and a team of painters in Skeoping 7, NL (1).JPG
with Geert Oldenbeuving and a team of painters in Skeoping 7, NL (2).JPG
with Joke along with the action painting of Liz Crossley, Berlin (1).JPG
with Joke along with the action painting of Liz Crossley, Berlin (2).JPG
with Lara Kirsten in Op Het Punt Van Aanraken, NL.JPG
with Nyebho Swartbooi in an improvised act around waste removal.JPG
with Nyebho Swartbooi in The Lure of Oranges, the Box Theatre, Grahamstown.JPG
with Rayelle Goodman, an unknown drummer and Johan Rautenbach, Cape Town.JPG
with tenor Lebogang Khumalo and the University of Johannesburg CHoir.JPG
a little crazy moment during an improv recital with Joe van der Linden.JPG